
BR-110, Km 31 - Zona Rural - Mossoró - RN
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BR-110, Km 31 - Zona Rural - Mossoró - RN

SPUNGING-Domestic, the fresh sheriff’s officer’s home, where prisoners, whenever detained to possess debt, are sometimes drawn

SPUNGING-Domestic, the fresh sheriff’s officer’s home, where prisoners, whenever detained to possess debt, are sometimes drawn

SPUNGING-Domestic, the fresh sheriff’s officer’s home, where prisoners, whenever detained to possess debt, are sometimes drawn

“Because tight place, where any man off Sperm Do find it a hard amount to acquire drunk.” Peter Pindar, i., 245.

SPUNKS, lucifer matches.-Herefordshire; Scotland. Sperm , states Urry, in the MS. cards to Beam, “is the excrescency of some tree, at which they generate sort of tinder in order to white its pipelines having.”

Square, honest; “towards the Rectangular ,” we.age., fair and you can strictly sincere; “to show Square ,” in order to change, and have now one’s living in a genuine trend,-the exact opposite regarding Mix .

Punch depicted our house out of Hudson, “the new Rail King,” in the Albert Door, with an excellent STAG inside, into the allusion compared to that term oss borger ekteskap med utlending.

STAG, observe, get a hold of, or view,-such an effective STAG from the look; “ STAG the force,” look at the group. Together with, to dun, or consult fee.

Staggering BOB, a pet to help you exactly who the new knife recently anticipates demise from pure problem otherwise crash,-said out of chicken on that account not fit to possess people eating.

Stands Your Mug, go-away; spoken greatly because of the anybody who want to clean out a troublesome or awkward person.

Stay, “to face remove,” to cover a pal’s activity; so you can incur expenses; to put on with therapy, good or sick; “so it household Stood myself for the ?1,000,” we.age., costs you to contribution; “to stand Pad ,” in order to plead on curb having a little sheet of paper pinned with the breast, inscribed “I am hungry.”

Standing, the career on a street place, otherwise into the control out-of market path, continuously filled of the good costermonger, or road merchant.

Position PATTERERS, men who take a get up on the newest control off a public thoroughfare, and you may deliver prepared speeches to help you perception a-sale of any content they need to vend.-Pick PATTERER .

STAG, an expression used when you look at the rail mania in order to an effective speculator instead of funding, just who grabbed “scrip” in the “Diddlesex Junction,” or other lines, ejus et sui generis, had the brand new offers as much as a made, after which out of stock

Superstar The fresh GLAZE, to split the fresh windows otherwise inform you glass of a jeweller or almost every other tradesman, or take any valuable content, and hightail it. Both the brand new cup was slash that have good diamond, and you will a remove out-of leather-based tied to the bit of glass cut-out to store it of shedding into the and you can and come up with an excellent audio. Another type of bundle would be to cut the sash.

Start, a heading of any sort; “good rum Start ,” an odd situation; “to get the Start of the men,” to anticipate your, overreach your.

Hide, to quit doing some thing, to help you refrain, be silent, exit out of; “ Hide They , there, you sir!” i.age., be silent, sir; giving more than a raunchy or intemperate course of life is called STASHING It .

Stick, a derogatory phrase for someone; “good rum” or “weird Stick ,” a curious man. A lot more essentially a beneficial “terrible Adhere .”-Provincial.

Square, “getting Rectangular with men,” become even with your, or even to become revenged; “to Square as much as a person,” supply to battle your

Adhere, “reduce your Stick ,” become out-of, or disappear; often only comparable to a recommendation to arrange a strolling personnel inside readiness to possess a pursuit-into the allusion toward East custom out-of reducing an adhere ahead of setting out-or regarding the old form of reckoning by notches or tallies toward a stick. Inside the Cornwall the fresh new peasantry tally sheaves out of corn of the incisions when you look at the an adhere, reckoning by rating. Reduce your stick contained in this sense may indicate making your draw and you may give-thereby understand this is of one’s words “ On the NICK (or notch) Of your time .” Sir J. Emerson Tennent, in Cards and you will Requests (December, 1859), takes into account the definition of equivalent to “cutting the partnership,” and you can indicates a prospective supply about prophets breaking the staves of “Beauty” and you will “Rings,”-vide Zech., xi., 10, fourteen.

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